
Technology Tools

A recent TeachNet Blog post “Blended Learning – So what is all the fuss?” gave a very clear and informative understanding of Blended Learning. It really is well worth a second or even third read for any teacher so that they can come to terms with the new classroom reality.I think it is true to […]

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Using Shared Electronic Devices Safely in a School during Covid 19

DES (Department of Education and Skills) guidance on using shared electronic devices for schools is: electronics – shared electronic devices such as tablets, touch screens and keyboards should be cleaned between use. Consideration could be given to the use of wipeable covers for electronics to facilitate cleaning Microsoft have some useful guidance on caring

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Lockdown Upgrades

Very early on in the “Working from Home” new normal, I realised that it was time to upgrade my Desktop PC. It’s an aging iCore 5 machine that has continued to cope with multiple software updates, successfully graduating from Windows 7 to Windows 10! However it really had slowed down considerably and I knew that

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Google Expeditions: Explore the world without leaving the classroom!

As educators, we want to ensure that all students in our classes feel stimulated and enjoy their learning. Accordingly, there is a wealth of engaging material available for educators today featuring novel ways to engage students. One such website is Google Expeditions. Google Expeditions is quite similar to Google Maps, as the platform allows users

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The State of Technology in Education 2019/20 – Promethean

Promethean recently released their fourth annual report on “The State of Technology in Education 2019/20” which gives insights and trends on important factors relating to edtech. Contributors to this survey included over 2,000 teachers, school principals/heads, deputy principals/heads, IT managers and support staff from primary schools, secondary schools and other educational institutions across the United

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