Blended Learning – What is Your Unique Blend?

We recently passed the 1 year anniversary when education moved online. During the past 12 months schools, further education and training organizations and higher education has moved to a remote instruction model. With learners, of all ages, now returning to education it is time to look ahead and consider what comes next, After Covid.

Before, during and after Covid
Three stages: Before, During and After Covid

While many educators and learners struggled with remote instruction, there is evidence that others flourished with elements of self-regulated learning.  As we look to the future there is an expectation that many of the good practices will be retained in some form of blended learning.  Blended Learning is a contested term, and there are a number of blended learning models that have been around for some time. 

The European Commission’s School Education Gateway is today launching a new Massive Open Online Course, Bridging distance and in-school learning: Blended Learning in Practice, for teachers across Europe. 

Blended Learning MOOC screenshot

If you want to start thinking and planning what blended learning might look in practice for you and your learners, this course is a good place to start.
The course will support you to:
• Understand the purpose, process and benefits of blended learning
• Discover how the different models of blended learning can support your learning objectives
• Explore tools and strategies for implementing blended learning in your teaching and learning processes
• Plan for the implementation of a blended learning scenario with your students

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