Classroom Tech

Visual Schedules for Special Education Needs [SEN] pupils

Having spent many years teaching in a main stream primary classroom I returned to school this year with the exciting challenge of teaching children with special educational needs [SEN] as a resource teacher. The Down Syndrome website​ provides an excellent list of free and commercial software that you may use within your classroom. A  site

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Brainstorming and mind mapping are very popular teaching strategies and methodologies that can be used across a variety of curricular areas. Many will use the blackboard/whiteboard for a mind mapping/brainstorming session but what about a digital alternative? Let me introduce you to Mindmeister. is an online mind-mapping application. Users can create simple or complex

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Online Summer Courses for Primary Teachers

Over the past year, schools have received additional grants for computer equipment to update the ICT infrastructure within schools.  In TeachNet, we believe that in addition to funding ICT equipment, teachers need high quality professional development to help them realise the potential of this investment.  The international research clearly indicates that quality CPD is essential

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