Hurley – Stick =”Hurley”

From the front line:- so there we were, a collaborative, fully interactive sesion underway using Paint Shop Pro on the Interactive White Board. Layers, transparencies, free hand selections; the class is ploughing through the work – creativity is flowing as we designed a Doodle 4 Google!!!Next pupil to the laptop and IWB pen suggested we should add a hurley stick and sliotar to our Doodle. The 10 year old, 5th class pupil launched a browser window and surfs over to Google Images and enters a search for a ‘hurley’.

As you can see from the screenshot we all got to see more than we expected!


After the all boys’ class had settled down and order had been restored, the addition of ‘”stick” produced the desired results.
Strict Search preferences for Google are default in the class and we were accessing the Internet across the Schools Broadband system. Just goes to show you that working live on the Internet, even with proper procedures in place, can produce unexpected or sometimes undesired results……………

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