
Have a Safer Internet Day!

[vimeo][/vimeo] Safer Internet Day (SID) is a global campaign that promotes a healthy Internet for everyone. It will be celebrated on Tuesday 11th February 2014. This international annual event takes place every February to promote safe and responsible use of the internet and mobile phone technologies, especially amongst children and young people. Safer Internet Day is organised

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Mission V

My class have been given a great opportunity to participate in the re-launched Mission V project. Mission V was previously run during the 2011-2012 school year.  Mission V provides the opportunity for primary pupils to learn through a game based environment. The pupils will be empowered to learn programming skills in a highly creative environment.

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​Socrative (​) is a real-time response system that allows students to respond to questions seconds after they are posted by the teacher and will display the results for the teacher with the same rapidity. There are a number of points which make this an attractive piece of technology for education. Firstly, there is no need

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Scratch 2.0

​ Learning to code can be quite intimidating, especially for children, but visual tools can keep them engaged and learning. It’s for this reason that MIT Media Lab created and released Scratch back in 2006. It doesn’t require any lines of code to be written, and can be used by children as young as 8.

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Why iPads?

I love technology. It is constantly evolving and offering all of us new opportunities for learning and teaching. I admit that it’s sometimes very difficult to switch off my tech lust button but where possible I try to take a more pragmatic approach, my limited purchasing power dictating. Gadgets, despite their often seductive beauty, are

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