There are a lot of great technology tools out there for teachers that can make it easier to connect with other educators, get ideas for classroom activities, and find resources and inspiration. One of the newest and best of these online tools is Pinterest, which has quickly become a favourite amongst educators. Pinterest has really […]
For many students, comics can be a less intimidating and a more enjoyable reading experience. Allowing students to create their own comics gives them an opportunity to express themselves creatively and artistically while still engaging with plot, reading, and storytelling concepts. Thanks to online tools like Bubblr, comic creation is easier than ever .
Tynkering With Code
Learning to code is a popular topic in educational circles these days and rightly so I think. When young people code their own apps, games, stories, or websites they have a chance to think critically, troubleshoot, problem solve, and collaborate. It’s a way to create something real that can be seen and used
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As an IT coordinator and Learning Support teacher in my school for the past 20 years, one of the questions that I am asked ALL of the time is…. “Do you have any software that you recommend for x….” Be it place value, reading, spelling or maths concepts… teachers and parents want to give their
Scratch 2.0
Learning to code can be quite intimidating, especially for children, but visual tools can keep them engaged and learning. It’s for this reason that MIT Media Lab created and released Scratch back in 2006. It doesn’t require any lines of code to be written, and can be used by children as young as 8.
Apps For Reading
Learning to read is a long and difficult process and many pupils struggle to concentrate and stay on task when using books alone. Using a tablet offers the advantage of increasing motivation and concentration, introducing a level of variety and helping to reinforce and consolidate key aspects of the reading curriculum. There are now many
Gooru: The Ultimate Educational Search Tool
People are always recommending new online sites that are useful for classroom teaching and learning. However with so many available options I find myself gravitating towards resources that are easy to use as I don’t have the time to learn the ins and outs of every resource. After someone recently recommended Gooru, I decided to
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Scoilnet Maps
Scoilnet Maps is now available in all primary and post-primary schools on the Schools Broadband Network and can also be accessed from home by means of a teacher scoilnet account. It now features a comprehensive range of Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) maps, world maps and lots of GIS data that can be viewed as “layers”
Triptico Tools For Teachers
Triptico ( ) is an excellent resource for teachers to use in conjunction with their interactive whiteboards that currently contains around 20 different interactive resources – all of which can be easily edited, adapted and saved for later use. Because Triptico is an application that runs on your computer (it runs on Adobe Air, so
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Apps Gone Free
Browsing or searching the App Store for free apps can be a time-consuming process. Apps Gone Free can save you time in your quest for free iPad and iPhone apps. Apps Gone Free is a free iPad/iPhone app that serves up a new list of free apps every day. The apps featured on Apps Gone