Amplifying Students’ Voice in the Classroom with FlipGrid

Flipgrid is a free online video platform that offers students a place where they can share and reflect on ideas with other students and with their teachers.

Flipgrid provides the perfect space for students to take part in classroom discussions and to share their thoughts and to hear their classmates’ ideas.

It is easy to use for teachers and students. Teachers post topics to initiate the conversation and students respond with short videos. Students join Flipgrid with a code provided by the teacher without the need for them to remember user names and passwords. Grids can be password protected to comply with GDPR regulations and to deal with any privacy concerns.


Why FlipGrid?

Flipgrid promotes student-centred classrooms and help develop 21st century learning skills:

  1. Communicating – Through the video recording of answers to a particular question posted by the teacher, students practice their communications skills while remaining engaged with the topic. It also provides a great tool to develop learners’ skills before their Classroom Based Assessments.
  2. Working with Others – Students can work in groups or individually to complete their video responses. After their post their videos can view their classmates’ responses, promoting discussion, peer assessment and self-reflection.
  3. Managing Information – Learners record their video responses and share them into their online digital platform, helping them to develop digital literacy skills.
  4. Being Creative – Flipgrid provide a different method to summit school work, allowing students to express themselves through various mediums.
  5. Managing Myself – Students can view their and their peer’s response videos and provide constructive feedback, allowing for self-reflection.
  6. Staying well – Using Flipgrid is a perfect opportunity to remind students of how to be responsible, safe and ethical users of digital technology.


How Can You Use FlipGrid in the Classroom?

  1. Preparation for CBA’s
  2. Introductions at the beginning of the year
  3. Digital Presentations
  4. Practice Literacy and develop Oral and communication skills by recording answers
  5. Classroom Debates
  6. End of topic reflection
  7. Exit tickets at the end of the lesson

Getting Started with FlipGrid


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