#2 ‘If You Can Dream It…’ Podcast

#2 ‘If You Can Dream It…’ Podcast
#2 ‘If You Can Dream It…’ Podcast

Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 27:07 | Recorded on November 11, 2022

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In the second episode in our reboot of the TeachNet Podcast series, Pat Brennan is joined by Amanda Jolliffe, DreamSpace Lead at Microsoft Ireland, to talk about Microsoft’s immersive and innovative learning space, which recently marked its 4th anniversary.

During the conversation, Amanda charts the eventful journey of the first four years, the transition from exclusively face-to-face workshops to online and blended initiatives like ‘DreamSpace TV’, ‘DreamSpace HomeSpace’ and ‘Ireland’s Future is MINE’ (An all-Ireland game-based learning competition for primary in association with RTE Learn) and surpassing the initial goal of 100,000 student reach.

Amanda also explains how the recent announcement of a further 3 million investment by Microsoft in DreamSpace with enable significant scaling up of her Team’s offerings and of the lofty ambition to reach all students across the country by 2026. Key to this will be the new Dream Space Digital Academy, an open-access Virtual Leaning Environment, boasting a wide range of learning paths (And Digital Badges) for students of all ages and abilities. In addition, there will be two new onsite academies for Primary & Second Level, a significant increase in upskilling opportunities for teachers and further expansion of DreamSpace TV…

For more see dreamspace.ie or subscribe to the DreamSpace monthly newsletter.

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