Many regular readers of the Teachnet Blog will be familiar with World Maths Day which is organised and facilitated by 3P Learning, the people behind Mathletics. In 2012, 3P Learning are organising the World Education Games which will be held from 6 – 8 March 2012. In addition to World Maths Day which takes place on 7 March 2012, there will also be a World Spelling Day on 6 March 2012 and a World Science Day on 8 March 2012. Pupils can access the games online both at home and in school once they have been registered by their teacher and have been given their own unique username and password.
Registration for the games opens on 1 February and closes on 28 February. Once you register your class, the class is automatically registered for all three events. Once registered pupils can logon and get in some practice in advance of the big day. Pupils can engage in live games lasting one minute, playing against other pupils from around the world. An unique feature, is that each of the official competitions are open for a 48 hour period, while it is the 6 – 8 March somewhere in the world. The World Education Games are a very practical way to teach World Time Zones to senior classes.