
 Wizer is an online resource website where teachers can create interactive worksheets for their pupils. These worksheets can contain images and video and questions can be presented in several different ways. There are many visual edits available to help make the worksheets more engaging to pupils and the library of templates is extensive. Once a worksheet has been created it can be shared with pupils in several different ways; a direct link, Google Classroom or Edmodo. There’s automatic checking of the answers or each completed worksheet can be looked at so that the teacher can provide individual feedback. The website has a community feature and worksheets can be shared with other teachers. The digital nature of the resource means that it is an ideal tool for Assessment, both Assessment of Learning and Assessment for Learning.

Worksheets are really easy to create; the hardest part is the actual content itself, the questions and of course the answers! The signup process is straight forward and four available signup options are presented onscreen after selecting the “Teacher” option; Google, Edmodo, Microsoft or using an email address and creating a password.

There are three “Pricing Structures”; Wizer Lite is completely free however this version has restrictions (only 2 classes, no ability for differentiation, limited Google Classroom integration, no ability for Learner Profiles and pupils can’t make their own worksheets – no self-assessment); Wizer for Teachers is currently $69 per year; there’s also a School Option.
Once you are signed in the Dashboard is presented on the screen. There are three parts to the creation of a worksheet, Create & Edit, Review, Assign to learners; a 4th option, Answers, is populated with pupil responses when a worksheet has been completed.
I decided to create a simple SESE assessment for the “Water Cycle”. From the template panel on the left I selected the “Maps” template, the compass image and then I chose my colour and my font.









I then selected the “Fill on an Image” task. Additional tasks can be added to a worksheet; changes and edits can be made as you progress through the process; tasks can be reordered also. For the purposes of this blog, I stayed with just the one task! I already have several different water cycle images in my own classroom resources so I didn’t need to search for a copyright free or Creative Commons licence image.  Once the image has been added to the worksheet you can add text boxes in the appropriate position on the image, enter the “Correct Answer” text and the Worksheet title and Worksheet instructions.







The worksheet should be saved as you progress through the various sections before you review and then assign it to your pupils.

I used the share to Google Classroom option to place this worksheet into an existing Google Classroom that I use.





Once the share process has been completed the worksheet is then available to the class and the usual Google Classroom options can be edited to suit the resource.




The final part of the exercise, the answers from the pupils, becomes available on the Answer tab of the Dashboard once the pupils have completed the worksheet.



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