As the summer approaches many teachers will again engage in a range of continuous professional development courses, on topics ranging from the environment to the Internet. But did you ever consider using Twitter as a source for your own professional development?
Will Richardson,, author of Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and other powerful web tools for classrooms, has stated that he uses Twitter as the main source for his own professional development. When I first heard this statement I asked how could Twitter provide such a service? Well 15 months on I can see what he meant. If you use Twitter to follow interesting people and organisations in your field of interest then you can follow the sites they are visiting and the material they are reading. So if you are new to Twitter here is a recent resource that might help get you started: This resource was posted on Twitter by Eileen Lento from Intel,!/IntelK12Edu.
Just to be clear you don’t need to follow people involved in ICT in education – you can follow interesting people in any area of education, once you locate them on Twitter. That can be of a challenge at first but it allows you to source interesting resources from others who have similar interests.
To get you started I have selected 3 international tweeters that you might find of interest:
Greg Whitby,!/gregwhitby
John Seely Brown,!/jseelybrown
Will Richardson,!/willrich45
And from Ireland I have selected 5
Seomra Ranga,!/seomraranga
Simon Lewis,!/simonmlewis
John Heffernan,!/johnmayo