Every year the world celebrates International Clinical Trials Day on May 20th. This event marks the anniversary of the first well-documented randomised clinical trial which took place in 1747 in the British Navy. To mark this event The Health Research Board – Trials Methodology Research Network (HRB-TMRN) are inviting primary pupils from 4th to 6th class to engage in an exciting project and create their very own fun randomised clinical trial.
Now entering its 4th year, the START (Schools Teaching Awareness of Randomised Trials) Competition, asks Teachers and students to identify a suitable research question they can answer scientifically using the resources provided on startcompetition.com. The purpose of this competition is to help primary children to become aware of the trial process, rather than answering a ground breaking question. They pick a simple, easy to answer question, but use the proper steps of a trial to answer it. Findings can be submitted in number of different formats including, podcasts, videos, collages and posters.

For more information, including a step-by-step teacher and student guide, online application form, consent forms, planning worksheet and competition rules click here.
Deadline for entries is April 12th followed by an announcement of the shortlist for 2019 on April 29th. Shortlisted entries will be invited to join the HRB-TMRN in NUI Galway on Friday, May 17th, where the winner will be announced and presented with the HRB-TMRN START Trophy 2019.