Safer Internet Day 2024

Tuesday February 6th was Safer Internet Day – an EU wide initiative to promote safer internet use among all users, especially young people. The theme this year was ‘Tech in our world’.
Safer Internet Day 2024 – (

Our school engaged in several activities, all to encourage students to interact in a safer way with the internet. From digital board campaigns to student to student engagement. All of which proved valuable to our overall student body.

One activity that our Digital Student Leaders engaged in was a drop in teaching session to our First Year Wellbeing classes. This activity was organised by our Digital co-ordinator in collaboration with the digital leaders themselves. The lesson revolved around the topic of Clickbait.

The topic itself was one of interest to the students as they could relate to having seen the catchy titles and scam like messages. They were involved in the conversation, and when prompted, created some very creative and imaginative posters for the poster competition! The digital student leaders showed the students a video about the topic of clickbait, and encouraged them to take three minutes to discuss it with their partners and come up with some suggestions for a word bank which would then help them to create their posters.

Overall it was an extremely worthwhile activity for the students to engage in, and encouraged them to be more aware of scams and clickbait posts on their own social media platforms.