The Froebel Department, Maynooth University (National University of Ireland Maynooth) together with their Erasmus+ partners are holding an Erasmus+ Multiplier Event on Friday 11 May 2018. There are still a small number of places available to book on Eventbrite at the following link – The theme of this free one day conference is Primary Education: The Digital Journey. Ten schools from Ireland, Italy, Denmark and Finland together with three Universities have
collaborated on this Erasmus+ partnership for a three year “A Digital Journey in Europe” project. The Irish primary school partners all have achieved Digital School of Distinction status – Sacred Heart Senior School, Killinarden, St. Marks Senior School, Springfield and Lissigiveen National School, Killarney. The Danish partners Søhusskolen, Højby Skole, Provstegårdskolen and University College Lillebaelt are all located in the city of Odense. The Finnish partner, located in Paimio is Kriivarin koulu. The Italian partners include Universita Di Pisa and Istituto Comprensivo G.Toniolo both located in the city of Pisa and two Turin schools Istituto Comprensivo Niccolo’ Tommaseo and Scuola Secondaria I°grado “Caduti Di Ceflonia”.
During the conference, teachers will have an opportunity to attend keynotes and workshops delivered by experienced teachers and meet teachers from the Irish schools and the European countries who collaborated on this three year project which aimed to share and develop good practice in relation to the use of digital technologies in primary education. With the roll out of the Digital Learning Frameworks from September 2018, this free conference is particularly timely for Principals, Digital Learning Coordinators and indeed other teachers interested in integrating digital technologies in primary education.