A blog can provide content or comments on a myriad of things; politics, business, education, sport or entertainment often prove to be a rich source of content for a blog. A blog can also be dedicated to something that the blogger is passionate about!
Writing a blog post creates the opportunity for reaching a worldwide audience as well as creating a digital artefact that will reside on the web for as long as the host server remains connected. This blog post isn’t seeking to reach a worldwide audience; my expectations are much more realistic. I’m passionate about ICT in education; integrating ICT into the daily teaching and learning and I’m hoping that some of the enthusiastic teachers I met at a recent ICT themed meeting will trip across this post and reflect on lessons learned and experiences shared from the past!
The teachers I met at the above mentioned meeting are also passionate about ICT and their short presentations about their school based ICT initiatives were lively, enthusiastic and creative. The soap-box corners provided an opportunity to listen at close quarters to teachers who are bringing ICT to life in their classes on a daily basis.
One immediate thought came to mind as I looked around the room, probably 75% of the teachers present were still in Post Primary school or at College when a similar themed but much more elaborate event took place almost a decade ago in Portmarnock. A symposium on the Schools Integration Project (SIP) provided the opportunity for participating teachers to present an account of the work they were doing as they integrated ICT into their daily teaching and learning. A comprehensive and incisive account of the event was edited by Dr. Conor Galvin of University College Dublin. This document can be viewed online and the list of these innovative projects can be viewed here.
I think that any teacher who is currently using ICT within their school should take a few moments to read through Conor’s account of the experience of teachers from a decade ago. The technologies certainly have changed; however the challenges and obstacles haven’t!