Fáilte #edchatIE – Irish debut for #edchat

clip_image002Edchat is a Twitter conversation about educational matters both general and specific. The brainchild of Americans Shelley Terrell, Tom Whitby and Steven Anderson, Edchat widely used by educators within Twitter to tag their tweets, allowing them to develop discussions. Some discussion are ongoing, some take place at agreed times among local groups who address an agreed topic.

Thanks to the leadership of Irish tweeter @fboss, Monday night 8.30pm has been designated the gathering hour for #edchatIE. Participants suggest various topics in advance, and take a vote to decide which will be debated – both done via Twitter.

If you are an Irish tweeter, or an Irish educator who has been wondering whether to join Twitter, this is your chance to interact with like minds online. Come and join the conversation – and don’t forget to add #edchatIE to your tweets!

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