3 Fun Tools to Get Your Students Excited About Learning Irish

Let’s face it—teaching Irish in the primary classroom can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. With the packed curriculum, limited class time, and the challenges of keeping students engaged, it can be tough to make Irish lessons both fun and effective. But don’t worry—there are tools out there that can totally change the game! Here are three digital tools that not only bring the Irish language to life but also make learning it something your students will actually look forward to.

Gimkit: Where Learning Feels Like Play

If you haven’t tried Gimkit yet, you’re in for a treat—and so are your students! Imagine turning your typical Irish lessons into a fast-paced game where students can earn points, power-ups, and even compete against their classmates. Whether you’re working on vocabulary or grammar, Gimkit transforms learning into something that feels more like play.

Gimkit: Where Learning Feels Like Play

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Gimkit – live learning game show

What makes it even better? There are always new game modes being added, so it never gets stale. Students stay engaged and excited because every time they play, it feels like a fresh experience. Plus, you can generate detailed reports to track student progress, which means all that fun is backed up by meaningful data you can use for assessments. Who knew summative assessments could be this enjoyable?

Padlet: Bring Irish Reading to Life

Since COVID, I’ve noticed that my students’ fluency in Irish has taken a bit of a hit. And with everything else crammed into the school day, it’s hard to find the time to hear every student read. That’s where Padlet steps in to save the day!

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Padlet – Visual Collaboration for Creative Work and Education

Padlet lets students record themselves reading Irish passages, and it’s seriously a game-changer. Not only can I listen to their progress whenever I have a spare moment, but students get to track their own improvement too. There’s nothing quite like seeing their faces light up when they listen to a recording from Monday and compare it to how much they’ve improved by Friday. It’s a brilliant motivator and helps them build confidence with the language.

And let’s be honest—students love anything tech-based. The chance to hear their own voices and share their recordings with classmates makes this activity both interactive and fun. Plus, it frees up some much-needed time during busy lessons.

Wordwall: Making Grammar Fun (Yes, Really!)

Irish grammar can feel like a bit of a drag at times, but Wordwall has completely changed how I approach it in the classroom. The platform is filled with ready-made lessons, but the real magic is in its gamified activities. I’ve found it particularly helpful for tackling verbs.

Students can test their knowledge in fun, interactive games and quizzes. Whether they’re matching verb forms or racing against the clock to complete sentences, they’re engaged and learning without even realising it. Wordwall turns even the trickiest grammar lessons into something students look forward to—and that’s no easy task!

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Wordwall | Create better lessons quicker

You can also customise lessons to suit your classroom needs, which makes Wordwall a very flexible and easy-to-use tool .

Bringing Irish to Life

Incorporating these three tools—Gimkit, Padlet, and Word Wall—into your Irish lessons can truly transform how students engage with the language. From gamifying vocabulary practice to boosting reading fluency and making grammar lessons enjoyable, these tools have you covered. So why not give them a try and watch your students’ enthusiasm for Irish grow? After all, learning should be fun!

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