Teachers TV – Visualisers (Better Learning with ICT Series)


Many schools are investigating the purchase and use of Visualisers with the recent technology funding received in schools towards the end of last year. In this video, David Orritt a Year 3 teacher and School ICT Coordinator is investigating the purchase and use of Visualisers for his own school and adopts the very sensible approach of visiting another local school who have had some experience with using visualisers in their classrooms. On his visit he is shown some of ways the school uses their visualiser in a number of different subjects – Mathematics, Visual Arts etc. and observes how the teacher uses the visualiser very effectively in encouraging pupils’ self assessment. You will also see ideas and tips for using the visualiser to take photographs, create and record videos for pupils to use etc. Another very useful tip shown in this video clip is to use it to project pages from a book onto an interactive whiteboard or digital projector and screen in the absence of a big book that everyone can see.

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