Still enrolling for TeachNet Summer Courses

We have been busy putting the finishing touches to our online summer courses for primary teachers which kick off on July 1st.  A lot of effort has been put into making these courses as interactive and as interesting as possible for teachers.  Thanks to the TeachNet mentors who developed the course tutorials, we are delighted with the high quality materials developed over the past few months.  All of our tutorials use audio and visuals.  Participants can log in to our courses at any time and the system will remember where they left off.  Throughout the summer, we will be here to facilitate and support teachers .


Our courses are very much focussed on the practical and integrated use of ICT in the classroom.  They include:

All of our courses qualify for 3 EPV Days and cost €99.  We have special offers for schools with four or more teachers who join any of our courses.

If you are still looking for a course this summer (or know of someone who is), why not take a look at our TeachNet CPD website.  We are taking enrolments up to August 24th (all courses must finish by August 28th).

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