Spark Creativity with ReelLife Science!

As the new academic year begins, why not challenge students to share their passion for all things science and STEM related with the ReelLife Science challenge!

This competition is open to all students from primary school, post primary school and youth organisations. It is a great challenge to spark interest, creativity and innovation in the STEM classroom!

The challenge involves students creating a short video (between 1 and 3 minutes long) on any aspect relating to STEM! This can include themes such as climate action, biological world, chemical world, physical world and Earth & Space science, to name but a few! The list is endless, thus allowing students the freedom of choice to explore their passions.

Watch the video to find out what the ReelLife Science competition involves!

Once students have chosen their theme, they can then decide on the style of their video. This relates to how the video looks and feels. It can be live action, animation, drawings, roleplay, singing, demonstrations or even interviews to help support the scientific concept being conveyed to their selected audience.

The planning stages are essential during the challenge – deciding the theme, style, recording and editing of the video. The ReelLife Science website provides fantastic supporting materials such as prompt questions, storyboards, ideas and past submissions to help support students throughout the challenge!

Showcase of past video submission ideas!

So what are you waiting for? Get involved today! Spark creativity in your students and allow them to explore ideas. The competition not only allows students to explore all things relating to STEM, but encourages team work, develops knowledge and skills, and allows them to take ownership of their project!

The deadline for submissions is October 14th 2022. Check out the ReelLife Science Competition website for more details.

Happy recording!

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