A new self-reflection online tool to support teachers to further develop their digital competence was launched on October 5th, World Teachers’ Day. SELFIEforTEACHERS has been designed by the European Commission working with experts from across Europe.

The tool gives primary and secondary teachers an opportunity to reflect on how they are using digital tools and technologies, get feedback and tips on next steps and plan for further training and support.

To try out the tool go to SELFIEforTEACHERS


SELFIE for Teachers is an online tool to help primary and secondary teachers reflect on how they are using digital technologies in their professional practice. Teachers can use the tool to learn more about the digital skills they have and identify areas where they can develop further.
Sign-up is easy and any teacher in Europe or anywhere in the world can use the tool for free.

SELFIE for Teachers’ questions and statements relate to uses of technology in the following areas
• Professional communication and collaboration
• Personal learning and development
• Finding and creating digital resources
• Teaching and learning practice
• Student assessment
• Facilitating student digital competences

Completing the self-reflection takes around 20 minutes. This can be done in one or more sessions as all answers can be saved.

On completing the statements, the teacher automatically receives a report on their proficiency level in each of the areas with suggested next steps. This report is for the teacher alone and is not shared unless the teacher chooses to do so.

The tool is not designed to assess performance but to empower teachers to reflect on digital technologies use. Based on their results, teachers can design their learning pathways to further develop their digital competence and confidence.

The tool can be used by individual teachers or by a team of teachers within the same school. Answers provided are always anonymous.

When signing up to use the tool, teachers are asked if they agree to their anonymised data being used for policy and research purposes.

Everyone completing SELFIE for Teachers can receive a certificate and a digital badge for taking part. Teachers can complete the self-reflection on a regular basis to monitor progress and pinpoint further professional learning needs.

SELFIE for Teachers is based on the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators

So take some time and log on to the website and complete the self-reflection tool.

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