Rules, Regulations and Readiness

Merry Christmas!

The talk of the staff room at the minute is whether all of us will be able to have a ‘normal’ Christmas together with our families. With so many new rules and regulations popping up due to the pandemic it’s sometimes hard to deal with them. However, one thing on which we are all agreed is that we are in a much better position for teaching and learning remotely than before. The future is uncertain at the minute, in terms of whether we’ll all be back in the school building in January, but we can be certain of being able to continue teaching our students due to the huge investment schools have made in equipping staff, not merely in terms of devices but training too.

We’ll see what 2022 has in store before too long. In the meantime we can take comfort knowing that we’re ready (even if we’d rather not have to consider teaching remotely) and that our students will manage come what may. So on that positive note, I’d like to wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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