Dolceta is a free online Consumer Education website developed by the CDVEC Curriculum Development Unitand 26 other European partners. The website contains teaching resources for Consumer Education and Financial Literacy. These include curriculum linked lesson plans, fact sheets and learning modules aimed at primary, post-primary and adult learners.
Each lesson is targeted at a specific age group and is mapped to specific subjects/curriculum areas in the Irish curriculum. The introductory section to each topic provides a good overview for teachers and clear direction on how the resources integrate with the curriculum.
The homepage provides ready access a wealth of resources on 8 consumer related topics. These articles were written with Irish consumers and Irish law in mind and also in the context of EU membership. The topics include, Consumer Rights, Financial Services, Product Safety, Services (electricity, gas, transport), Sustainable Consumption and Food Safety.
Each lesson plan is linked to an interactive quiz. These quizzes allow learners to have fun while learning and lead to weblinks for further learning.
There is plenty here to support project based learning for teachers of SESE, Maths (numeracy) and SPHE at primary level and Business Studies, Home Eeconomics, CSPE, Maths, Science, Transition Year and LCA at post-primary level. Why not take a look for yourself at