EU Council Adopts Recommendation on Blended Learning Approaches

On November 29th the EU Council adopted a recommendation on blended learning approaches to achieve the goal of high-quality and inclusive primary and secondary education. The Slovenian Minister of Education, Science and Sport made the observation at the adopting of the recommendation.

Slovenian Minister of Education quote

The Council Recommendation runs to 23 pages and on page 12 defines blended learning as follows:

For the purposes of this Recommendation, blended learning in formal education and training involves a diversity of approaches and is to be understood as a school (in primary and secondary education, including vocational education and training), teacher and trainer or learner taking more than one approach to the learning process:

– blending school site and other physical environments away from the school site (either with
the presence of a teacher/trainer, or separated by space and/or time in distance learning);

– blending different learning tools that can be digital (including online learning) and non-digital

The definition states that the teacher uses more than one approach to the learning process in relation to:

  • Where learning takes place – the site of learning
  • What technologies (digital and non-digital) used to support learning

The recommendation stresses the role of teacher’s professional judgement in designing blended learning approaches that are engaging and effective for specific learner contexts.

The recommendation is an important document in the context of designing and implementing more inclusive learning practices in our schools. The Slovenian Minister encourage us ALL “to explore how blending different teaching environments as well as learning tools such as face-to-face and digital learning can make our education better equipped for the future.”

There is now a need for a conversation around what this might look like in a range of contexts in schools and in other sectors, such as FET, so as to enhance our existing education and training practices.

  • So what does blended learning look like for you and how would you see this definition being implemented in your context?

Share your ideas.