Empowering Students, Enlightening Teachers: Integrating Microsoft Reflect in Schools

Microsoft Reflect https://reflect.microsoft.com/ is a free and easy wellbeing app that helps students and teachers connect, express, and learn. It allows you to create and share check-ins with your students on any topic, in any language, and get insights into their emotions and needs. It also provides you with resources and strategies to foster a positive and supportive learning environment.

To use Microsoft Reflect, you need to have a Microsoft School account with a valid school email address. You can sign up for Office 365 Education for free, which includes Microsoft Reflect and other classroom tools. You can also integrate it with your favourite apps, such as Microsoft Teams, Class Notebook, and your LMS.

To create a check-in, you just need to choose a topic, a question, and a frequency. You can use the predefined topics and questions, or create your own. You can also customise the settings, such as who can respond, who can see the results, and when the check-in closes, see an example here http://tiny.cc/4r7jvz

To respond to a check-in, your students just need to click on a link or open the app. They will see a friendly character called the Feelings Monster, who showcases 60 different emotions. Your students can choose the emotion that best matches how they feel about the topic, and add a comment if they wish.

To view the results, you can access the dashboard, where you can see the overall mood of your class, as well as the individual responses of your students. This data can prove invaluable for teachers, offering insights that can significantly influence how you approach and interact with your students on a daily basis. Utilising this information allows you to tailor your instruction, provide targeted feedback, and initiate meaningful conversations with your students, ensuring a more responsive and personalised teaching environment.

Microsoft Reflect is an invaluable tool for integrating social and emotional learning (SEL) into Ireland’s new primary curriculum framework. It significantly enriches the learning environment by bolstering key skills such as critical thinking, self-expression, and resilience. Reflect’s diverse resources are designed to foster wellbeing, promote diversity, and ignite a lifelong passion for learning, aligning seamlessly with the curriculum’s objectives to develop well-rounded and academically successful students. Discover more about Reflect’s impact through an example video available on YouTube below. Thank you.