We have been following Promethean’s progress with their online cloud based Lesson creation and delivery programme ClassFlow for some time now. About 12 months ago we looked at some of the new features they had introduced in ClassFlow Version 4 – introduction of the Marketplace for finding resources, Rewards badges for rewarding students badges for good behaviour and work, a facility for teachers and or students to Collaborate on lessons and the Chat function that allowed teachers and pupils to communicate with each other. Promethean released ClassFlow Version 5 during the summer and there have been a number of upgrades to this online app since then. The interface in Version 4 changed significantly with its introduction, version 5 hasn’t received a major overhaul to its interface which is good news for teacher and pupil users alike. This new interface gives teachers very simple access to a range of YouTube videos which show users how to very quickly familiarise themselves with using the app.
A significant new feature in ClassFlow Version 5 is the Publish to the Marketplace feature. Any user now has the facility to publish any resource they have developed (lessons, assessments, Word documents, PowerPoint files, Flipcharts and PDF’s) to the Marketplace and make it available to others for download. Any user publishing a resource can choose between publishing as a FREE or PAID resource. The minimum price for a paid resource is $0.90, payment is made through a Paypal account. A Paypal account has to be setup when publishing your first Paid resource. Users sharing their resources for free don’t have to setup a Paypal account. Paid for resources are automatically protected, so that
purchasers cannot edit them. In the case of free resources, the author can choose to protect his/her resource if they so wish. Once a resource has been published to the Marketplace any other ClassFlow user can search and find the resource. Users can then either download the resource to their own My Resources folder using the Add to My Resources button or by clicking on the Deliver button use the resource immediately in one of their lesson.
Promethean and other publishers have been adding both paid for and free resources to the Marketplace. In the latest version (5.3) the search facility has had some refinements added. Three new file formats – 3D Model, Simulation and Graph Calculator have been added to the search filter. One can now search for resources and refine the search by Subject, Years/Grade level, File Format (Lesson, Assessment, Flipchart, Activity, Image, Audio, 3D Model, Simulation, Graph Calculator, Word Document, PDF file, PowerPoint, Smart Notebook, Learning Pack, Inspire Resource Pack, Weblink), Price (Free or Paid), Uploaded By (Teachers or Publishers), Average Customer Review and Language.
There are a number of other features that Promethean are very proud of but since they only apply to the Paid School version of ClassFlow, and not available to users of the Free version so I haven’t had an opportunity to look at them so we won’t refer to them here.