In the latest episode in our reboot of the TeachNet Podcast series, Dr. Michael Hallissy is joined by Treasa McGinley, TEL & PLD Coordinator with Donegal ETB and John Heffernan, TEL Coordinator with Tipperary ETB, to discuss digital transformation in the Further Education and Training (FET) sector.
The focus of the conversation initially is very much around what’s working well when it comes to Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) in FET at the moment and the importance of building on the momentum of increased digital literacy levels of both instructors and students coming out of the enforced closures and resulting extensive periods of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) during the Covid pandemic.
The discussion then comes around to what the future might hold for TEL in FET with both Treasa and John in full agreement that the emergence and maturation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have a profound effect on the sector and indeed education as a whole. The consensus being very much that we should be embracing these technological developments while being mindful of the downsides and potential pitfalls.