Creating Healthy Digital Habits in a Connected World

The rise in technology has undeniably revolutionized every aspect of our daily lives. From instant communication to endless entertainment, our mobile devices (and laptops, etc) offer a constant stream of communication, connection and convenience!

However, we are all aware of the negative aspects of digital technology and how easy it can be to fall into unhealthy habits. Endless scrolling, entering and exiting apps and even just checking phones (for no reason other than to just be on our phones!) can negatively impact our wellbeing.

Notifications and mindless scrolling can steal our time, disrupt our sleep patterns and can often lead to higher levels of anxiety for many people. The key is to find a balanced and a more mindful approach to technology.

Here are some examples of practical tips and strategies to develop healthy digital habits:

1. Tracking the Tech!

Self-awareness is crucial. Most devices now offer built in screen time and app usage to raise more awareness of how often (and how long) you are on a device. What people may think is only 1-2 minutes scrolling may in fact be over 10 minutes, and perhaps longer.This information provides a valuable baseline for setting goals and making informed changes.

2. No Notifications:

The constant barrage of notifications can be a major source of distraction, especially when you want to be the most productive. Consider turning off notifications for non-essential apps or social media apps during working hours. This allows you to choose when to engage with technology and hopefully stay more focused on the task.

3. The Power of “Do Not Disturb”:

Use your device’s “Do Not Disturb” mode to create focused pockets of time. This is particularly helpful during work hours, meals, and social interactions.

4. Designate Tech-Free Zones and Times:

Establish specific areas in your home, like the bedroom or dinner table, where technology is off-limits. This helps to create boundaries that promote real-life connection offline. Similarly, consider setting designated tech-free times, perhaps an hour before bed or during family gatherings. Keep mobile devices away from bedrooms to minimize screen time before sleeping.

5. Schedule Screen Breaks:

Just like our bodies need physical breaks, our minds benefit from digital detoxes. Schedule regular breaks throughout the day to step away from screens. Take a walk, stretch, or simply focus on your surroundings – without the mobile phone!

This list is not exhaustive and there are many other examples – but this could be a good starting point. Developing healthy digital habits is an ongoing process. It is not easy, but as the summer holidays begin, screen time can often increase during the day through different activities. Sometimes it is important to disconnect in order to reconnect in real life.

By implementing these strategies, you can take control of your tech use and create a healthier relationship with technology. You’ll free up valuable time, reduce stress, improve your sleep, and most importantly, reconnect with the real world and the people around you. Remember, technology should be a tool to enhance your life, not control it. So, unplug, recharge, and rediscover – without the mobile phone!