Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Niamh Costello

    Activity Set – Space and Aliens ~ create an Alien. This activity will be carried out in pairs.
    I will start the lesson by reading the book ‘The Smeds and The Smoos’ by Julia Donaldson to the children. We will then discuss orally what they think an Alien looks like – how many arms, legs, eyes, and head do they have, do they have a nose and what does it look like, what colour/s are they, do they have spots, spikes, strips, fur, skin, do they wear clothes, etc.
    The children will return to their tables and discuss with their partners what they would like their Alien to look like. They will also discuss about how they are going to make their Alien in 3D form as this might help then with their design. They will be using a variety of resources – playdough, marla, clay, wire, tinfoil, pipe cleaners, goggly eyes, felt, paper, fabric, wool and anything else they would like to use. They will then sketch and design their aliens on paper.
    Once the children are all happy with how their Aliens look on paper they will then start to create their Alien in 3D form.

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