Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Fiona Kavanagh

    The activity I have chosen is the planets.


    Introduce the topic of the planets to the children by asking them if they know any facts about our solar system/planets or if they can name any planets.

    Create a KWL chart – filling in what we know already and what we would like to know, encouraging open ended questions etc, e.g which planet do we live on? what do we know about our planet?

    Introduce the planets using The Planet Song and using StoryBots ‘Outter Space’ rap.


    Engage in a meaningful powerpoint, exploring each planet.

    Discuss the similarities/differences between the planets eg. Our planet earth vs the moon.

    Art activity: design a planet of your choosing (paper maché for more able students, playdough for juniors) can be completed in pairs/groups.


    The children can present their planet to the class and explain 3 facts about that planet.

    Fill in the rest of KWL chart as a whole-class.

    Further extension; Literacy – if you could design a planet what would it look like, who would live on it?



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