People of Faith
Junior Cycle» ReligionThis website is designed for RE at Junior Certificate level and will take five lesson periods. It may also be used at Senior Cycle as this material is an extension of topic of faithful people from the major world religious faiths and may not have been covered.
Curriculum Addressed
This website meets the requirements of the Junior Certificate Religious Education Syllabus (1999), Section D, Part Four: The Expression of Faith. The objectives of this section are: 'that as a result of studying this section students will: 1 understand that religious belief can find expression in prayer, worship, and ways of life; 2 be able to identify evidence of religious belief in stories from two religious traditions'. The description of content accompanying this section is: Way of life as an expression of religious faith . Stories of faithful people from two religious traditions.
- Client Name: Fiona Williams
- Project URL: http://resources.teachnet.ie/fwilliams/2006/index.htm
- Skills Needed: The website will ideally be used in a computer laboratory setting where pupils may engage in self-directed or collaborative learning. Each account of the individuals featured is followed by self-assessment tasks which may be done interactively online or else printed off for class use. . Students may work on their own or in groups researching either an a single individual or a group of people from a major world religion. They may be set such tasks as producing a slideshow presentation or newsletter about their chosen person. . Follow-up activities could include email correspondence with followers of another religious faith or further use of websites to explore the places of worship or pilgrimage of the major world faiths.