Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Julie O’ Sullivan

    The lesson I would chose is the Sun and Shadows. Firstly, I see the interest that shadows create within the classroom when they form naturally on a sunny day. Sometimes when the interactive whiteboard is coming on the children can see my shadow and they think this is great fun. To introduce the lesson I would get the children involved in a matching activity which they could do in small groups. I would make out some packs with images and their shadows and get the children to match the correct picture to the shadows. Then we would engage on discussion about shadows and how do they know they have matched them correctly etc? From here we would go out to the yard and look for our own shadows and see how else we could make shadows making shapes with our hands etc. When we would go back into the classroom I would question the children how could we make shadows in the dark and then I would introduce the idea of using torches to create shadows and allow the children time to explore this.

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