Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Aoife Dillon

    I think a lot of these lessons could be used and adapted for different classes. The resources provided are very helpful. The lesson I would most like to try is the lesson on the Sun’s Energy by “My Sky Tonight”. I think opening the lesson with what they already know about the sun is a great way to gauge where the children are in their learning. The class really enjoyed the role play activities of going out in the sun and how to protect themselves. I was really impressed that they caught on to the phrase ultraviolet light. The solar beads activity was excellent. You could see how engaged and excited the children were. I think most junior classes would really enjoy this lesson. I would like to replicate it in my classroom. I also thought the activities on shadows linked really well with the overall theme. You could link these lessons to literacy as well by choosing a book on the sun like “The Sun is Kind of Big Deal” to focus on in class.

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