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The topic that I would like to use in my classroom next year is that of Stars. This module has helped me to reflect on how I would plan and develop this as a topic in an infant classroom. It has been particularly helpful in helping me think about using many curricular areas to teach science themes and topics..
I work in a DEIS school. We always try to place an emphasis on literacy. I love using books, especially picture books in the infant classroom to spark the children’s interest in a topic. For this topic I would use How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers. This is a beautiful book that really captures the children’s imagination and it’s a bonus that Oliver is an Irish author
I would introduce the lesson asking the children some questions
I wonder what is in the sky at night?
I wonder what a star is made of?
I wonder how many stars are in the sky at night ?
I would do a looking and responding activity with the children. I would show them the following three pieces of art
Vincent Van Gogh – Starry Night Over the Rhone
James Whistler – Nocturne in Black and Gold
Rita Oates – A Star
We would explore and discuss these artworks together, focusing on how each artist uniquely portrays the stars. During winter, I’d encourage the children to observe the stars before bedtime (although in summer, it stays light too late for this). Equipped with art supplies, the children would create a piece of art inspired by these artists, their imagination or their observations from the previous night. I would share their artwork with the entire class and establish a class gallery, where each child receives positive feedback from a classmate.
Integration with maths – sorting stars from planets, making patterns with stars and various materials, word problems involving stars e.g. I saw two stars shining in the sky, then three more stars appeared. How many stars are in the sky now?
Integration with Aistear – going to Space theme
Integration with English – write star acrostic poems
Encourage the children to explore the night sky with their families and share their discoveries.