Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Carol anne Savery

    Lesson on rockets for Junior Infants

    Step 1: Story – Roaring rockets by Tony Mitton . Discuss the story and rockets and how rockets launch into space.
    Step 2: Watch a brief clip of a rocket launch such as
    Step 2: Explore a selection of rockets provided by the teacher – allow the children to explore each rocket by moving in groups to each station which will have a different rocket.
    Step 3: Create their own rocket mice rocket using paper , colours , milk bottles and sellotape. ( I would use all the same sized bottles for this step)

    Starter question: How could we make the mice rockets go further?
    The children would be encouraged to make a prediction based on this.
    They would then use different sized bottles to explore pressure .
    Think , pair , share activity based on ideas on how the rockets work.
    Taking the next step
    Looking again at the selection of rockets from the beginning of the lesson – exploring what other ways we could make a rocket fly.
    Explore the Marvin and Milo resource about balloon rockets .
    Make the balloon rocket from Marvin and Milo.
    Further investigation based on the balloon rocket.

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