Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Michelle O Mahony

    I like the idea of trying Activity set The Sun and shadows with my class. I would start by doing a little bit of work on day and night, sorting picture of the sky into day and night, and sorting activities into things you do in the day time and things you do in the night time. This also links nicely to the topic of time in Maths. I would then try and tease out any prior knowledge the children have about shadows with questioning. It would then be time for some exploring and investigating, using sorting bears and flash lights. Teacher can facilitate the children’s exploration of how ‘long, short, tall’ act the bears shadows are, depending on where they hold the flash lights. The children could trace the shadows on a page as an extension of this. This could also be extended (weather depending!) by going outside and tracing their own shadows in the sun with chalk. This could also be done at a different time the following day for comparison? I like the idea of using the bears and the flash lights though as it is not depending on sunny weather!n

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