Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

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Kate Muckian

    Activity set:

    Weather – Animals in the cold

    To identify prior knowledge I would ask children if they know any animals that live in the cold and what their features are, Feathers, Fur etc.

    I would read the book ‘If You Were a Penguin’ by Florence Friedmann Minor and Wendell Minor and ask questions throughout e.g. ‘How can they live in hot and cold places?’ ‘What allows them to do this?’

    Discuss with the children that the penguin’s feathers and the polar bear’s fur are covered in a layer of grease/oil to repel water which also acts as a barrier against harsh conditions.


    Blubber Glove Experiment

    Objective: To demonstrate how blubber helps animals stay warm in cold environments.


    Two large ziplock bags
    Oil/ Vaseline
    Ice water
    Duct tape
    A large bowl

    Fill a large bowl with ice water.
    Take one ziplock bag and fill it with shortening, spreading it evenly inside the bag to simulate ‘blubber’.
    Insert your hand into the second ziplock bag, and then insert this bag into the bag with the Vaseline.
    Seal the bags together at the wrist with duct tape to prevent water from getting in.
    Have students take turns putting their hands into the ice water with and without the “blubber glove” to feel the difference.

    Ice Cube Insulation Challenge
    Objective: To explore different materials’ insulating properties.


    Ice cubes
    Various insulating materials (cotton, wool, tin foil, plastic wrap, etc.)
    Small containers or cups
    Thermometers (optional)

    Divide students into small groups.
    Give each group several ice cubes and a variety of insulating materials.
    Have students wrap the ice cubes in different materials and place them in containers.
    After a set time (e.g. 30 minutes), check to see which ice cubes have melted the least.
    Discuss which materials provided the best insulation and why.

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