Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Rachael Gill

    An Activity set that I would explore in my classroom is the Sun and Shadows set as plenty of learning opportunities can be created using this set.

    A focus that I could explore using this set is how shadows are formed. This focus could be explored using the curious minds/ESERO inquiry framework as outlined below


    Trigger- showing the children a video of shadows around the world

    Wondering- I wonder how those shadows are created…I wonder what your shadows will look like… Why?

    Exploring- The children would go outside to see if they can create shadows of themselves


    Starter Question- how are shadows created?

    Predict- the children would discuss how they might be able to create shadows and draw images to display their predictions

    Conducting investigation- The children will stand in a position that allows them to create a shadow of themselves. They will draw eachothers shadows using chalk

    Interpreting and showing results and data- I would facilitate a whole-class  discussion on the position that the children had to stand in to find their shadows( back to the direction of the Sun).

    Applying/making connection: shadow art in the yard

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