Senior Cycle» PhysicsThe aim of this project is to provide students with a multimedia resource to learn about radioactivity. The target audience is Physics students (Leaving Certificate, Higher Level). Much of the material would be accessible for Ordinary Level students and Transition Year students and might even be of interest to the general reader. Chief amongst the differences that ICT can make to the learning of Radioactivity is the use of simulations to aid understanding of difficult concepts. Further advantages include the speed and ease of linking to relevant information and the opportunity to customise ones own study notes efficiently. The site is designed in such a way that students can easily link from theory to applications and back again (within the site). They can also easily obtain further information (beyond the scope of the Leaving Certificate course) by pursuing the external links. Difficult terms are explained in the glossary.
Curriculum Addressed
The Leaving Certificate Syllabus subdivides the Nuclear Physics topic into five areas - The structure of the atom - The structure of the nucleus - Radioactivity - Nuclear Energy - Ionising Radiation The site covers all five areas but focuses in the first instance on Radioactivity and branches out to deal with the other areas as they arise. Special features of the site include the ‘high-lights’ panels down the right margin of each page, valuable simulations, useful exercises, a comprehensive glossary and a resource page.
The aim of this project is to provide students with a multimedia resource to learn about radioactivity. The target audience is Physics students (Leaving Certificate,\r\n\r\nHigher Level). Much of the material would be accessible for Ordinary Level students and Transition Year students and might even be of interest to the general reader.
- Client Name: David Keenahan
- Project URL: http://resources.teachnet.ie/dkeenahan/2004/