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I love the idea of making all the different kinds of rockets Michelle which I agree as you said allow for lots of prediction and discussion!
There are so many ideas and resources in the course that you could use for Space week next October.
Some ideas and activities I would use:
1. Writing a letter to an alien on a different planet asking them questions and comparing our lives here on earth.
2. A diary entry of an astronaut of what a normal day looks like.
3. Making paper of foam rockets with help from Marvin and Milo- like explained in this module using different materials children can construct rockets in groups and for older classes they can figure out how to get their rocket to fly!
4. Science experiments like dancing raisins
5. Reading stories such as ‘Aliens in Underpants Save the World and ‘The Way back Home’ opening children’s imagination and ideas all around the topic of Space.
6.Whole school poster competition on the theme of Space!There are so many resources on this course that would be easily implemented for Space week in our schools.
I love the idea Laura of using a weather watcher, I think this would work really well especially in the Junior end!
I would use ESERO 7 activity and resource ‘Animals in the Cold’.
Firstly, we would talk about the weather and the different types of weather we know. We would read the story ‘ When the Sun Goes Home’ and discuss these using the strategy of questioning. As I have 1st and 2nd class I would ask them to predict what might happen and probe them by asking higher order questioning such as what do you think would happen if our plants didn’t get any sun?
We would talk about different weather in different places and how we prepare for hot and cold weather.We would investigate hot and cold and do the cube experiment. I would show the class a picture of two animals , a penguin and a polar bear and we would talk about all the different ways they protect themselves from the cold.
We would do the vaseline activity where I would rub a little vaseline on the children’s hands , put water on it and talk about our findings!
To finish the activity we would recall and record the different way our penguins and polar bears mind themselves in the cold with their thick and fat layer of fur.Ciara, I love the idea of using clay to make an alien, it would be so enjoyable!
I would love to do the activity on ‘Special Life’ with my class. We would first read a book maybe ‘Adams Amazing Space Adventure’ and discuss space and earth. We would talk about why we like living on planet earth. We would make a mind map of some of the ideas why we think earth is special. Then the children would be split into groups and they would make roleplays of the different ideas they have come up with. Each group could make some drawings to help them visualize their ideas. We would discuss each roleplay and talk about what was tricky, and share ideas of what we liked about each groups drama activity.
Then , all children would have the opportunity to design their own alien! We would talk about what they might look like, what features would they have and what name we would each give our alien. They will discuss what they have drawn and show all their lovely drawings to the class.I love your idea katie of using a riddle to start this activity! Kids would love this and would be engaged from the beginning!
I would love to do an activity looking at sun and shadows. I would generate discussions on shadows and how at the end of this year we had some chalk art fun and some kids were drawing their friends shadow! I would bring my students out to the playground in the morning and get them to draw their friends shadow using chalk. We would then come out at lunch time and check can we fit in our shadows. We would do the same in the afternoon. We would mark our shadows with little cards at what time we made them. Children will see how as the day goes on their shadow will change! and how the sun helps us tell the time!! This is called a sun dial. Children would have so much fun with this hands on activity and would love to work wither friends on drawing their shadows. We could also mark our shadows with little rocks. This would be a lovely activity for term 3 when summer arrives!
This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by
Niamh Larkin.
I love the idea of playing some music and asking the kids what it would feel like to be listening while floating in space!! As a teacher also teaching this class group I feel they would love this.
Hi everyone, My name is Niamh and I am going into my 3rd year of having 1st and 2nd class. I love the fact the moon is lemon shaped!
I would love to use the inquiry based activity like we saw in this module with the missing sweets in the jar and fingerprinting! I thought this lesson was excellent and so engaging and I would love to do something similar with my class. One I might do with my class would be missing prizes from our prize box. We would make a mind map of what we know already, who was last to spot the prizes full/ empty etc. I would then show a picture of a fingerprint and we would explore fingerprinting and do similar activities to what we seen in the slides here. We would expand it to talk about the fingerprints of twins in our class and look at all the patterns and details of our prints.
This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by