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  • James Lynch

      Digital tools offer an incredible opportunity for learning and inclusion. I am currently working in special ed and am constantly amazed by the variety of software and technology available. I have worked with students who have limited use of their limbs and hardware like the EyeGaze (eye tracking, control of a PC using only the eyes) and software like Google Voice  has allowed them full access to the curriculum. EyeGaze can also be used in a number of games and when working properly can offer a similar experience to using a controller. I have been exploring using Minecraft with EyeGaze and it does appear to be possible so I’ll be looking forward to giving this a try in September. I will also be looking into getting the Xbox Adaptive Controller as I think this could be a valuable asset for the school, particularly with Minecraft.

      I think that using digital technology in the classroom can have a great impact on engagement, inclusion and differentiation. I have found that nearly every lesson is almost immediately made more interesting when coupled with IT. A Geography lesson in the textbook can be quite plain. Take the same lesson on the interactive whiteboard/chromebook and so many opportunities for engagement arise.  Why not walk around the pyramids of Giza using Google Trek instead of just reading about them!

      School self evaluation guidelines help the school establish what’s working and what could do with improvement. It allows schools to take ownership of their own development and improvement and I look forward to discussing ways to improve our use of digital technology with my colleagues in September!

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by James Lynch.
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