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  • in reply to: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry #223985
    Chloe Fenton

      I would begin my reading the story ‘Zoom to the Moon’ as a stimulus for the activity. I would encourage a class discussion about rockets. I would allow the children to explore with balloons investigating what happens when we blow air into the balloon?, then what happens when we let the balloon go?. I would provide the children with the materials (sellotape, balloons, straws, and string) and I would pose the question to the children ‘how can we make our balloon rocket?’ and allow the children to discuss and experiment with the materials.

      in reply to: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills #223318
      Chloe Fenton

        What Clothes to Wear:

        show children images of different places and question them on what they might wear to each place, if they think it would be hot/cold/wet etc. Children dress up a teddy bear in the appropriate clothes for him to go on adventures to different places. Dressing teddy for todays weather as part of the everyday routine in class, ask the children what the weather is like today and what they think teddy should wear. The children could open up a ‘lost suitcase’ go through the items in the suitcase and make predictions about who it might belong to and where they might be going. Using person template  the children use a variety of materials (wool, felt, card, etc.) to ‘dress’ the person for winter/summer/spring/autumn. Encourage the children to describe the type of clothes and why they chose these. The children could also do a sorting activity to sort clothes based on the weather they would be appropriate for.



        in reply to: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills #223288
        Chloe Fenton

          Great integration ideas for P.E!

          in reply to: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens #223268
          Chloe Fenton

            Great idea for integration with music. I would have never thought of using Coldplay!

            in reply to: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens #223262
            Chloe Fenton

              Space and Aliens.

              Using the picture book ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ as a stimulus for the children.

              Literacy: using the picture book to work on concepts of print with the children. Making predictions about the story. Focusing on rhyming words.

              Maths: Measuring moon rocks (tinfoil balls), aliens, and rockets using non standard units of measurement. Putting Aliens into categories ( aliens that have 3 eyes, aliens that are blue, aliens that have 4 legs etc.)

              Art: creating clay aliens, describing their aliens, imagining and drawing a planet that their aliens would like to live on.

              Music: the planets song. exploring sounds that aliens might make.

              in reply to: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun #223105
              Chloe Fenton

                The Planets.

                I would introduce this lesson with a story/picture book about the different planets (‘Meet the Planets’ by Caryl Hart is a lovely story about flying through space to visit the different planets). I would encourage children to notice the differences in the physical attributes of the planets, using a poster of the solar system or by projecting the solar system onto the whiteboard.  I would question children about the colours they notice, and what else makes the planets different. I would also encourage the children to image what it would be like to live on one of these planets. I would provide the children with paper plates of various sizes and allow them to paint/colour their favourite planet, describing the physical features that they are including

                • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by Chloe Fenton.
                in reply to: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun #223099
                Chloe Fenton

                  Great idea to extend the lesson by drawing around each others shadows!

                  in reply to: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework #223082
                  Chloe Fenton

                    Hi everyone, my name is Chloe and I will be teaching senior infants this September.

                    My favorite space fact is that the sunset on mars appears blue in colour.

                    An inquiry based activity that I have done  previously was looking at gravity, skydiving, and parachutes. The children experimented with a variety of  different everyday materials such as tissue paper, plastic bags, straws, old pillow cases etc. Children used a variety of materials to try and build the best parachute (the parachute that fell at the slowest speed). The children created a plan for their parachute stated what materials they were going to use in their parachute, and gave their opinion’s on why they thought their parachute was going to work the best.

                    • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by Chloe Fenton.
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