Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

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Hands on classroom themed activities:

Hot & Cold:

Trigger: 2 pieces of card on the whiteboard, one red & one blue. What do they represent to the children. Elicit the words hot/cold.

ESERO 12 activity: Move the red sheet beside the window & the blue sheet to the shade and read the statements on ESERO 12 and children go to the most appropriate colour.

Discuss hot/cold weather and record vocabulary on the board. Elicit from the children how the sun gives heat.

Experiment: Placing one ice cube by the window and the other in the shade. Predicting which will melt faster and why. Children place the sticky notes near their prediction.

What else can help to melt ice? Refer to Marvin and Milo’s experiment on sew an ice cube. Children complete this and discuss. Explain to the children that this is similar to when the roads are salted during the winter to allow us to travel and also why people would use it on our driveway but as we can see from the experiment if the temperatures do not rise the water will freeze again.

Finally discuss clothing that can be worn in hot and cold climates. Record what vocabulary they have & show images of other items of clothing that they may not have the vocabulary for -saree/parkas etc.

Another lesson could include materials and what materials work best for clothes in different climates.




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