Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Una Courtney

    Activity Set: Space and Aliens
    How would you use the activity in your classroom?
    As Junior school SET my lesson would be aimed at Infants.
    Again using a thematic/ cross curricular approach in Infant class.
    Literacy – work using a Big Book – Aliens love Underpants by Claire Freedman. This will engage and trigger the kids to wonder and explore. Eliciting discussion about differences between earth and other planets. What is it like on Mars? Is it hot or cold?
    Art – Set the children an Art activity to design an Alien. What would they look like? How would they survive on Mars. Examine images of Mars. Also observe Mars in the night sky – it is red. What would the Alien need to survive? What would they look like? Draw and sketch the model first and then use modelling clay to create their Alien.
    Maths – The Aliens can then be used as a Maths activity in counting/ sorting/ addition etc.

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