Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Home Forums Teaching Space in Junior Classes with Curious Minds and ESERO Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Robyn O Brien

    I love the idea of using Marvin and Milo in the younger classes as a way to introduce the concept of space. I love the idea of the Stellarium too as an addition to the theme of Space that I already have planned for a month. I have taught junior and senior infants every second year for six years and Space is a theme we explore in senior infants.

    We explore it mostly through play and this year is the first year we will be leaving most of Aistear behind and focusing in the new play model. I plan on keeping my role play area and this will be set up like a spaceship (think tin foil, astronaut costumes, buttons, remotes, controls etc.). The kids adore this and I think the Stellarium would be a wonderful addition to the whole theme. A whole area or station could be based on it and children could be invited to go stargazing using the Stellarium then they could recreate constellations or parts of the galaxy with chalk, peg boards, art materials, whatever they wish, with as many materials as I can give them. I can imagine these would all make a beautiful display when the work is done!

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