Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Home Forums Teaching Space in Junior Classes with Curious Minds and ESERO Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills Reply To: Module 4 – School Self Evaluation & Science Skills

Orla Carrroll

    Weather and what to wear

    I would start with the poem / rhyme “Whatever the weather”

    After discussing the types of weather we have learnt and observed we would also recall the Seasons.

    I would ask questions leading the children to discuss suitable clothes for each weather type. I would use a bag of clothes / umbrella / wellies etc and I would encourage the children to sort the clothes according to the weather they would wear them in. I would give the children blank washing lines on a sheet (4 of them and label them Summer, Spring etc) I would then get the children to record their findings and draw the suitable clothes for each season.

    My class last year loved bringing in their favourite teddy so I would encourage them to dress their teddy (using their own clothes) and to bring it in the school. They would then do “Show and tell” or the class could also guess what weather the other child’s bear is dressed for.

    Another idea would be to give the children a blank outline of a person and ask them to draw in their clothes according to the weather or they could also use different materials to dress their person.

    There are many ideas to consolidate their learning and make a super fortnight of activities.

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