Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Lorraine Mc Namee

    Science Week Class Plan

    In advance, using school communication platform Aladdin, share with parents and guardians the aim of Science Week and give some ideas for home-school links in relation to Science and offer them the chance to share their ideas/creations .

    Monday: Design a Martian. Examine images of Mars. Design in a 3D
    form using dough or clay.  Early finishers: Design the landscape they would live on.
    Tuesday: Shadows: Shadow tag and free play with shadows at 10 am, 12 noon and
    2pm. Note the shape and size differences in the shadows (mark using chalks on the school yard in differing colours)
    Wednesday: Stargazing. The learners investigate stars and
    try to guess how many stars are in the universe. They create pictures
    of a starry night using paint and toothbrushes to create copious amounts of
    stars. Listen to Myles Smith’s Stargazing as they paint
    Thursday: Creating Alien Slime: by
    mixing fragranced shampoo or conditioner and cornflour together to create
    a consistency that is neither a solid or liquid.
    Friday: Rockets: Engage with a picture of a rocket. Listen to Chris Hadfield interview. Explore a variety of materials and plan a design to make a rocket. Use Milo and Marvin Balloon or Penny Rocket video for demonstration .

    Record activities throughout the week and ask the learners and teachers to provide feedback at next staff meeting.

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