Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Dawn Farrell

    Activity Set: Stars

    I like ESERO’s concept of using marbles to teach children about the vast number of stars in space. I would love to close all the windows and blinds, lights off and move the furniture to the side. Have the students lie on their back and look up, stargaze! I have a light that projects stars and galaxies and planets onto the ceiling and walls. I would ask the children to try and count the number of stars that they can see!

    This video is good from Dr. Binocs

    There are great opportunities to link in with Nursery Rhymes/Music: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little or even attempt Coldplay’s Sky Full of Stars.

    I like the activity on drawing constellations. I could find out prior to the lesson, what star sign the students have and show them what their constellation looks like.

    Art activities; Paint splatter, create a galaxy with lots of colours and portray how there are so many stars in the sky. The children could make a star lantern for Space Week.

    To include STEM activities, the children could use the Bee Bots, create a galaxy using Lego and App software too.

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