Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Niamh Kenny

    I have chosen the activity set The Stars.

    I have planned this lesson to suit an infant class. I would complete this lesson by:

    Gathering the students and ask if they have ever seen the stars in the night sky. Engage them in a brief discussion about what they remember seeing and what they think stars are. Explain that stars are big, glowing balls of gas in space and that they are very far away, which is why they look so small from Earth.

    I would then introduce the book “The Darkest Dark” by Chris Hadfield. Read the book aloud to the class, emphasizing the beautiful illustrations and story about a young boy who learns to see the beauty of the stars and the importance of dreaming big. Stop occasionally to ask questions, such as “What do you think the boy is feeling when he looks up at the stars?” and discuss the key messages of the story.

    After reading, talk about what stars are and share a few interesting facts using images.
    Provide each student with a piece of black construction paper. Ask them to draw or create stars on their paper using gold or yellow crayons/markers. They can also use glitter to make their stars shine.

    Once the starry night pictures are complete, invite students to share their artwork with the class.
    Ask them to describe what types of stars they created and if they included anything else in their drawings.
    Lastly, recap what they learned about stars and ask, “What did you like about the story?” and “What are some things we can do to look for stars at night?” I would finish by using a flashlight, turn off the lights and use the flashlight to pretend you’re shining light like a star, explaining how stars twinkle in the sky.

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