Reply To: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework

Michelle O’Leary

    Hi, my name is Michelle. I have found over the years in the classroom that children are so fascinated by space. I’m looking forward to learning more and picking up some more ideas to use in the classroom. My space fact is “The sun is a star- the sun may look like a big, bright circle in the sky, but it’s actually a giant star. It’s the closest star to Earth and provides us with light and warmth.”

    Inquiry- based activity: Make a bird feeder using a recycled bottle.

    Engage – Prompt question: What kind of birds do we see around us? Chat about birds they see in the school yard. Do a bird hunt using a tick sheet to see how many different birds you can see. Discuss winter, bad weather, why birds find it hard to get food at this time of year, how can we help?

    Activity- Make a bird feeder using an empty plastic bottle with cap, a pencil, some twine and fill it with seeds.

    Reflect- Hang the bird feeder on a tree where you can view the birds from your classroom. Enjoy watching the birds feed and take note of the different types of birds visiting.

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